Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Alchemist and Deepak's Law of Pure Potentiality

Being able to read books I actually want to is a luxury reserved for breaks from school work. With my very open schedule, consisting mainly of working out and Christmas preparations, I searched for books that would offer me wisdom, and further my progress on my wellness journey. Lately, the average novel has not been cutting it for me. I like to spend time reading things that will provide me with knowledge, and an opportunity for growth. Truly valuing the input of, I used their website for inspiration.

One of the books mentioned in its archives was The Alchemist, an allegorical tale about following one’s dreams. It was amazing. The book is so beautifully and simply written. Literally every page offers some type of wisdom. The Alchemist tells the story of a shepherd boy who decides to live out his “personal legend” after a revelation in a dream. I will not even attempt to summarize all this piece teaches, but here is a quote I feel truly sums it up:

“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure. “

This seriously struck me. It’s so simple, and so true. How many people have true dreams and abandon them because they’re scared they won’t succeed. As a college senior, deciding my future, this message is all too relevant. In a perfect world, I would move out to California, become a health coach, workout and practice Bikram regularly, network with plant-based and raw communities, and inspire people to live healthier better quality lives every day, whether it is in my own practice, or in a corporate setting. But that takes more education, which takes money. Success is not as guaranteed in this as it would be in other careers. What do I do? How can I combine my dream life and what makes sense? Can they be the same thing? Scary…I know. This other quote gives me a little peace of mind.

“And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”

This connects with a lot of the teachings of Deepak Chopra and his Seven Spiritual Laws of Success. The first law is the Law of Pure Potentiality, which teaches that all possibilities in the universe are infinite. By focusing and tuning into our true selves, becoming detached to and unaffected by other people, situations, and circumstances, we gain true and permanent power to achieve whatever we’d like. If we are grounded by other people, expectations, and situations, we are grounded by fear and temporary things.

Deep, I know.

Deepak suggests practicing the Law of Pure Potentiality by making an effort to tune into your truest self (each day)  spending time in complete silence (no reading or anything) and meditation, spending time communing with nature, and practicing non-judgment (just not judging every single thing that happens and going with the flow). Simple steps, yes, but challenging to make yourself do every day. Maybe these will help with my dilemma (and you with any of yours?)! Try them out yourself…and keep exploring his awesome book! There are seven laws after all, and I’ve only covered two!

Also, if you haven’t read it yet, I highly suggest picking up The Alchemist for a holiday read. I know, I’m giving a lot of book suggestions. Maybe make a list and tackle them whenever you have time! These two in particular have truly inspired me, and I believe everyone can benefit from them in their own way, no matter where one is in life. The messages are profound and a little overwhelming at times. Yet, life is a day by day journey. I truly believe with patience and good intentions, we will figure it all out eventually!

Be Well.

Love, Julie

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