Saturday, December 15, 2012

Confession: Every morning I have a chocolate milkshake

Okay, it’s technically a protein shake. But I am not kidding; this thing tastes like a delicious chocolate shake, or pudding. It really depends on how much water/milk etc you mix it with. When I got my wisdom teeth out this summer, I needed something soft, plant based, and nutrient rich to fuel my body while I was stuck on the couch looking like a chipmunk. Ever since, I have been hooked. Sometimes, I’ll even mix some up with a minimal amount of milk to make a thick and luscious chocolate dessert. The best part? While I’m in a heavenly state, enjoying chocolaty decadence, I am actually consuming one of the healthiest things ever, hands down.
Vega One shakes, formulated by the vegan tri-athlete Brendan Brazier, are simply fabulous. One 140 calorie scoop of this stuff provides you with 50% of your recommended daily nutrient intake. It is completely plant based, and free from soy, gluten, dairy, and all artificial ingredients. Considering veganism or vegetarianism and worried about protein intake? This can help! Vega One provides you with 15g of plant based protein, more than two and a half egg’s worth. It also provides you with as much fiber as 3 slices of bread, the equivalent of three servings of veggies, as many antioxidants as in over two cups of blueberries, the same amount of omega-3 oils as in two servings of salmon, a cup of yogurt’s worth of probiotics, as well as all other nutrients your body needs (B vitamins/iron etc). Yet, I repeat.  It tastes like a chocolate milkshake.

I would not tell a lie.

I have tried several other protein shakes before. This is absolutely the tastiest.

Each morning, I mix this baby up with some vanilla almond milk. Given the crazy healthiness of the shake itself, I splurge a little and use the sweetened kind of almond milk( the unsweetened just doesn’t quite do it for me). You can mix it with water, or any kind of milk you'd like, Anyway, it combines with the powder to create a creamy and sweet treat.

 I mean, a super nutritious and healthy breakfast…?

Living on a whole foods/plant based diet does require a bit of effort to ensure we are getting all of the right nutrients from the right sources each day. Vega One makes it easy. Each day I get to have a shake (which is most because I will literally pack a scoop of protein, my shaker, and an individual almond milk box with me wherever I go), I know my body has received at least half of the nutrients it needs from the get go. I fill the rest of my day with whatever I’d like, knowing that by the end of the night, my body will likely have gotten all it requires to perform optimally. I feel light, rejuvenated, and ready to take on the world. Not to mention, my sweet tooth has been satisfied! Check out Vega’s website. It’s an incredible resource for clean eating which will help you perform to your maximum ability, whether it is in professional triathlons or in everyday life. In the near future, I will also be writing a recommendation post about Brendan’s book Thrive, which was one of my many influences in becoming a healthier and better me!

See, the healthiest choice can also be the yummiest choice!

Be Well.

Love, Julie

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