Monday, December 17, 2012

Deepak Chopra's 7 Spiritual Laws of Success *Read this one til the end*

                Something I love to do is to sit down and connect with close friends. It’s amazing what can be learned from everyone’s different experiences. Often times my eyes are opened to different points of view, different possibilities, and different opportunities.  As I shared in an earlier post, my wellness journey has evolved through many stages, and my most recent focus has been on spirituality and emotional well-being. A huge break through point in this was when one of my best friends encouraged me to listen to Deepak Chopra’s Seven Spiritual Laws of Success.
               Who is Deepak Chopra? …basically the coolest alternative medicine physician/ holistic health mastermind ever (or at least he is from what I’ve experienced so far).  He combines science and spirituality to decode the mysteries behind success, health, happiness, and well-being. In the Seven Spiritual Laws of Success he offers a spiritual approach to achieving abundance and fulfilling all desires. He defines abundance as not simply as material wealth, but as success in relationships, health, well-being, and peace of mind. According to Deepak, we have the ability to manifest our dreams with effortless ease if we use the right approach. In his book, seven laws, or processes, are outlined to help us along the way. The way in which he breaks down his methodology is so simple, given step by step. It seems easy to implement. However, I have found that in today’s society, these things are a lot easier said than done. Nonetheless, it is a challenge worth taking. It taught me how to let go of the superficial and unimportant things in life, and to focus on the things that matter. The book is an amazing eye opener about how we can change our lives for the better by tuning into our deepest selves, surrendering our constant need for control, and focusing on positivity and kindness.  Knowledge is power, and by at least learning from his lessons, we can constantly have his tricks and tips in the back of our minds, allowing us to gradually learn from and implement his practices.
             Okay , I did not actually read this book.

 I listened to it.

It was awesome! For about ten minutes each day, I listened to a law in peace and quiet. I highly suggest getting the audio book and letting Deepak’s wonderful, soothing voice coach you through a spiritual revolution.
             I decided that over winter break I would revisit Deepak’s Seven Laws of Spiritual Success. This is just an intro to him and his book. I plan to share my thoughts, experiences, and reflections on each law as I go along. In the meantime, go out and grab the book (or audiobook) yourself! I promise it will not disappoint.

             I thought I was going to end this post here…but then something came up, and I decided to tackle the laws out of order! The second law of spiritual success is the law of giving. Basically, it tells us that we get out of this world what we give to it. We and all things of the universe are one, and are in a constant exchange with one another.  If you want happiness, give happiness…etc.

Here are a few quotes  from this section:

“The best way to put the Law of Giving into operation - to start the whole process of circulation - is to make a decision that any time you come into contact with anyone, you will give them something. It doesn´t have to be in the form of material things; it could be a flower, a compliment, or a prayer. In fact, the most powerful forms of giving are non-material. The gifts of caring, attention, affection, appreciation, and love are some of the most precious gifts you can give, and they don´t cost you anything.”

Make a decision to give wherever you go, to whomever you see. As long as you’re giving, you will be receiving. The more you give, the more confidence you will gain in the miraculous effects of this law. And as you receive more, your ability to give more will also increase.”
             I found this law extremely appropriate and inspiring given the current season. Recently, it’s as if the world read my mind and decided to give me opportunities to give to others unlike any of the conventional ways I have before. Usually, I give to family, friends, the usual. But these new things have been very meaningful for me. The first emerged from a note from a sorority sister at a chapter in New Jersey. A fellow sister just lost both of her parents and has no siblings, and her chapter is trying to gather as many cards and gifts as possible for her for the holiday season. I do not know this person, and will never get to see her face when she receives all of the thoughts and prayers sent her way from sorority sisters and others across the country. But that’s the beauty in it. It’s a way to give simply to give. It warms my heart to know that (as long as my mail gets there), I may contribute to a small patch of light for her in the midst of a dark time.
           Another opportunity came up when I learned of Dalton Dingus, a child in Kentucky who has been told by doctors that nothing else can be done for his cystic fibrosis, and that his time left here is limited. His Christmas wish this year is to receive the most Christmas cards in history, and to be recognized in the Guinness Book of World Records. So, he gets a card too! …just a small amount of positive energy that may make a difference in someone’s world.
          If you can, check out the link and write a card. I hope you enjoy the feeling of giving without any expectation of something in return <3.May this be just the beginning of living in accordance with the law of giving.

                Be Well.              
               Love, Julie

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