1. Organic Pink Lady and Cameo Apples
At the end of break I was in a panic. The wonderful Honey Crisp apples I had fallen in love with were gradually disappearing from my Whole Foods Market. What was going on! The Honey Crisp had become a staple snack of mine and I didn't know what to do! What I learned was that Honey Crisps were going out of season. Apparently, Whole Foods was rejecting most of the Honey Crisps they received due to quality. And so, I roamed the apple section unsure of what to do. As I said in my post "New Love" the Honey Crisp was the only apple I had enjoyed! It was like someone knew my predicament that day, and nicely had Whole Foods offer Cameo apple samples. I took a bite and loved it! Yay! Another option and another winner. They are a little less sweet than Honey Crisps, but still super refreshing and full of flavor.
When I arrived back in Miami, I searched for my new go to.
No cameos.
So, naturally, I turned to google to tell me which apple was the closest in taste to a Honey Crisp. The answer I got was the Pink Lady. These are a little smaller and softer than Honey Crisps, and very sweet. However, they definitely make an excellent substitute. Thank goodness I found them! I do not buy all of my produce organic quite yet because of budget reasons. However, apples are very important to buy organic because of their status on the Dirty Dozen! Also, they taste so much better!
2. Vega Vibrancy Bars
I've been trying to find these for so long and was lucky to stumble upon them on sale in my Whole Foods this week. I swear they're not always there, but hope they will be from now on! To me, they are a wonderful dessert chocolatey bar. In reality, it is a blend of plant-based super foods like sprouted buckwheat, raw almonds, white chia, hemp seeds and Vega SaviSeed (sacha inchi) oil. Little will you know, when you are enjoying the chocolatey treat, you are getting 10 grams of protein, 1 gram of Omega 3's, and 40% of your day's fiber, without any artificial flavors or sugar. That makes it so much more enjoyable!
3. Foam Roller!
After last night's post, I took the plunge and decided to buy my own foam roller! Now anytime I feel tight or sore I can roll it on out without having to go to the gym. I decided to go for a little 18" one, figuring it would do the job for me! I was surprised to find one while at target for only $20! Great deal! Made by GAIAM, the innocent looking green cylinder of intense power came with a dvd to guide you through different exercises. It was interesting, not exactly what I was looking for, but interesting! I think it's worth taking a look at to get an idea of different exercises. Then you can go off on your own! I also purchased a few tennis balls (couldn't find lacrosse). So we will see how my experimenting with that goes .
I'm super excited about this week's purchases, and highly recommend looking into them! It's always fun to have new things to get you excited about your health!
Coming up next...getting back into Deepak!!!
Have a wonderful Monday!
Be Well.
Love, Julie
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