Anyway, today's topic is foam rolling!
Ever see that big foam cylinder in the gym? Have any idea what it's for?
Basically it is a compact, portable, inexpensive deep tissue massage. It was actually while I was getting a massage right before I returned to school that I decided the foam roller and I needed to become friends. Historically, I have always had super tight muscles. Sometimes I can even feel tightness in my hips, glutes, and IT band when I sleep! Tight muscles are never fun. You move less freely, your exercise form is off, and your body can become misaligned. It's just no good. Massages are wonderful for you because they release tension in your muscles and stretches them out. Think more of how pizza dough is worked and stretched out,rather than a simple pull stretch. This is how massages (and foam rolling) works! But, obviously not all of us (aka barely any of us) are lucky enough to get a deep tissue massage every day. From friends and previous track training, I knew that the foam roller held the answer I needed in releasing the knots and tension in my body, but I wasn't exactly sure how. So I decided to do some research!
The tightness in our hips/IT bands/backs etc is all about fascia, a tissue that surrounds our bones and muscles. According to Canadian Running Magazine , "with repeated stress in one direction or in the same pattern, fascia will lay down new material to become stronger in order to protect the surrounding tissue. Too much build-up of new material, however, can also lessen the extensibility of fascia, restricting movement and altering movement patterns."
So it's a scar tissue buildup happening! What foam rolling does is use your body weight to roll out and break down this tissue, releasing the tension, and allowing you to move more freely. It also lengthens tight areas that are hard to stretch, like the IT band and hip flexors.I would very much like all the extra build up and tightness in my body to go away, wouldn't you?
Now I can't lie, foam rolling isn't always the most comfortable experience. Think about that massage again. When your masseuse is working out a knot, it hurts. Same goes for this. It's going to hurt at first. But, the more regularly you do it, the better things will get, as there will be less and less buildup and tightness to get through!
Try these exercises out at your gym!
Roll yourself back and forth to hit those hamstrings!
This is for the IT bands! For more pressure, stack your legs one over the other .
For the quads. I roll very far down to work the hip flexors too.
For more check out !
Once you begin, you will get the hang of it and eventually feel out which angles work best for you! Also, I have heard that lacrosse balls are great for working out smaller areas. I will let you know once I try this!
So do not be afraid of looking funny on the foam roller at the gym! Memorize some exercises from online and do not go another day suffering from tightness and fascia buildup! Chances are, people are going to think you're super hard core, knowing how to use that mysterious foam thing! Flaunt it. You care about you body, and are awesome for it. The grimace on your face as you work out a knot will cue instant respect and admiration. You know what you're doing! Don't be surprised if everyone is rolling out next to you soon. After all imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. =)
Sitting here writing this is bringing all the tension in my body to my attention. I may need to invest in a roller myself, so I can treat my body to a massage any time! They're only around $30 from Sports Authority.
Join me in my new foam rolling routine! Soon we will be tension free!
Be Well.
Love, Julie
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