Wednesday, January 2, 2013

You knew this post was coming...time for resolutions!

Hi everyone! Ok, now that the holiday season has basically come to an end, all the craziness is over and I’m back! For real this time. I had an absolutely amazing New Year’s with some of my absolute best friends in Burlington, VT. Yes, they dragged this beach bum even more north than I needed to be. Despite the cold, it was a wonderful few days of fun, relaxation, and girl talk with some of the best people I know. Today, I am home, feeling rejuvenated and ready to take the world by storm this year! 2012 was such a huge personal growth year for me. Although I know there is a long way to go, I feel that I have come so far, and am ready to put all of the lessons I have learned into action for an awesome life. Yay!

Also, I just started Chalene Johnson’s 30 Day Push challenge . You all know she is one of my complete favorites. This challenge is all about priorities and achieving your goals. Just take about ten minutes a day to log in, watch her video, and do the small brainstorming activity. Today was Day 2, but you can catch up! It’s also perfect for the New Year and will help you hone in on those goals and resolutions.

So, resolutions! I must say, I do not usually make them. I usually just go with the flow and do my best. However, after this year full of revelations about how to realize your dreams and goals, I recognized how important it is to write them down somewhere, and to focus on how you can achieve success!
Here are a few of mine =) By sharing them with you, I hope it will hold me more accountable.

1. Make myself my number one priority. – Continue to focus on my own health, emotional well-being, confidence, purpose etc. To not let other people dictate my happiness or self-confidence, to become more present in my everyday life, to put an end to self-criticism, to not accept less than I deserve. Without taking care of myself first, I cannot be a positive force in other people’s lives. As Osho says, we need to love ourselves before we can love another.

2. Be a better friend everyday- Continue to work on truly listening to my friends, and being there whenever they need me. Enjoying and being present in all social situations.

3. Cultivate ease in my life- (Inspired by Tara Stiles) Breathing deeply, choosing not to be stressed, being present, ending the constant “I need to do this” in my head

4. Establish a daily meditation practice- The challenge starts today! We will see how I do in this. Yet everything I read says, in order to unleash your fullest potential, you need to connect with your deepest self first.

5. Continue AND improve this blog- I’ll admit, I am not a natural journal-er, or writer. I always give up on my projects, or lose motivation. Starting this was a huge step outside of my comfort zone, and a huge challenge. I hope to learn more about the blogosphere, and grow my audience! (If you have any tips, please share).

6. Get my personal training certification.- I think this is the next step in my professional wellness journey. It is something I can afford to do right now, and pursue as I further my career and work towards my ultimate goal of health coaching etc! I plan on buying the book this week. I know it will not be easy, but I’m determined to make it. That way, I can share more physical fitness tips with you!

7. Become an awesome chef! – I’m more of a natural baker than chef. Yet, I have been gradually tackling this resolution recipe by recipe. I want to be able to whip out killer healthy meals for my loved ones.

8.  Live life to the fullest- Cliché, yes, but necessary. I have noticed, at times I choose to veg instead of going on adventures. No more! I have been steadily making improvements on this for a while, but writing it down helps=) Here is to fun, friends, and seeing all this beautiful world has to offer. Yay!

These are my resolutions in a nut shell! Have you made yours? Let’s make 2013 the best year yet, by taking care of ourselves, becoming the best versions of ourselves, not being weighed down by negative energy, excess weight, or toxins in our body, loving who we are, and having tons of fun! We can do it. I know we can.

Be Well.

Love, Julie

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